We have Bonnie Hancock coming to visit our Club in August.
She will be running a surf sports session at 2pm on the 5 August at Eimeo focusing on board and swim skills (U11 and up with competition proficiencies). The session is limited to 25 participants. Please register by 20 July so that we can let Sarina and Mackay know if there are spots available!
Junior Activities Planning Session on the 17/07 at 6.30pm (TEAMs or upstairs).
20th Dinner - Volunteers for Setup / Bar / Bump Out
If you are not coming to the dinner but are interested in hearing Bonnie Hancock talk and enjoying a staff meal - we are seeking volunteers to help on the night.
The Club runs the Meat Tray Raffle every second Friday night and the Goose at the Northern Beaches Bowls Club. These raffles are perfect for the kids to be involved with - practical maths and communication skills!
If every family takes one slot it makes for an easy and quick fundraiser for the Club. We make on average $200 each time we run a meat tray at the Club and the Goose at Northern Beaches Bowls Club can be more lucrative!
Club House
Last Sunday saw the upstairs of the Club house get some feeling of community! Thank you to the fairies who made it happen!

17 July 6.30 to 8pm is the Junior Activities and Surf Sports Planning Session for the season. All welcome. Upstairs at the club house or on TEAMS. If you need to dial in, please email administrator@eimeoslsc.com.au
25 July - Marketing Information Webinare - SLSQ - let us know if you would like to attend!
30 July 8.30 to 1pm – MEALS @ Mackay SLSC – Surf Life Saving Queensland extends the invitation for members of the North Barrier Branch. Clubs to attend the Membership, Education, Administration, Lifesaving and Surf Sports (MEALS) workshop. The workshop will give you the opportunity to share ideas, ask questions of SLSQ personnel. And learn key updates coming out from SLSQ to take back to your club. Register here: https://form.jotform.com/230878138998881
29/30 July -Female Surf Sports Session at Arcadia. We have a group of young females going up for this session. U11 and up. If you missed out please email administrator@eimeoslsc.com.au if you wish to attend
Note: the draft Club Calendar will be out approx 20 July.
- No news this week
No updates this week
Blue Book - PSAR35 - Change to access (manual for Surf lifesaving)
It's now FREE! You can access it here: https://sls.com.au/psar
IRB Crew eLearning Changes
The elearning for IRB Crew has been removed. This is face to face until they launch the new eLearning platform. We do not believe this has impacted any of our members.
106.06.2023 Surf Life Saving Queensland Leadership Excellence Program (18-30) – Call for Participant and Facilitator Applications
The Leadership Excellence Program (LEP) provides an opportunity for members aged 18 to 30 years to gain the knowledge and skills to advance as a leader within Surf Life Saving. This program is a key part of SLSQ’s retention and succession strategy to ensure a strong and vibrant future for the organisation. If you are interested let us know. Attached is the information from SLSQ.
Circular 105.06.2023 – FOR ACTION – ASC Local Sporting Champions Program and ASC Local Para Champions
The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) Local Sporting Champions is now open, closing 31 July 2023. The program is designed to provide financial assistance for coaches, officials and competitors
Aged 12-18 participating in state, national or international championships
Funding of between $500 and $750 for individual applicants is available, to contribute towards costs. See attached information if required.
103.06.2023 – FOR ACTION: 2024 Australian of the Year Nominations
The 2024 Australian of the Year Nominations are currently open and it’s time for you to nominate someone you Admire. Nominations close at midnight 31st July 2023.For further information, including tips for nominating, and to nominate an individual, please visit https://australianoftheyear.org.au/nominate
Extension for Nominations for SLSQ Board - see emails sent out this week by SLSQ