This weeks update is packed - covering:
- Nippers is on this Sunday at Eimeo Beach - please arrive 8.30am. Unform shop will be open at 8am
- Patrol Group 6 is on Sunday morning | Patrol Group 7 in on Sunday afternoon
- Patrol Roster is out and loaded on your Members Portal
- Renew your memberships please!
- Facebook Nippers Group is being cleaned up. We are removing people who are not members with kids from the Nippers Facebook Group unless they are directly involved with delivering this program. If we have accidently deleted you, please reapply and answer the questions
- Sunday 730am - Surf Sports Training at Eimeo
- Wednesday - Surf Sports Training 4.30pm at Eimeo
- Friday - pub night from 4.30pm with Mark Thomas on the tunes form 5pm
- Under 11 on raffle tickets
- Pilates - Tuesday nights - book online @ Project Pilates
- Park Run - Bucasia - see the Seaview Park Run Page for more details
- Sunday 6th October - is our first Sunday session with live music - more information to come

Save the Date - Tri Series @ Mackay SLSC 19 October 1:30pm
Let us know about your kids successes so that we can help celebrate their success - send a photo and a brief summary to